The Most Popular Fries, Ranked

Choose the fries you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 06:16
Fries, a beloved side dish enjoyed across the globe, come in countless variations, each with its unique flavor, cut, and cooking method. Deciding which fry is the best can spark lively debates and is often subjective, depending on personal taste preferences and experiences. A live ranking helps provide a snapshot of general opinion, making it easier for everyone to see which types are resonating most with the public at any given time. By participating in this live vote, users contribute to a dynamic tally that reflects current preferences and trends. This continuous influx of new votes ensures that the ranking stays up-to-date and meaningful. Whether you're a fan of crispy thin fries, hearty wedges, or something uniquely seasoned, your vote helps highlight the most appreciated styles and flavors in the community.

What Are the Most Popular Fries?

  1. 1

    Curly Fries

    Potato fries cut in a spiral shape and seasoned with a spicy coating.
    • Known for: Their spiral shape and seasoned coating
  2. 2

    Shoestring Fries

    Very thin, crispy potato fries.
    • Thickness: Very thin
  3. 3

    Cottage Fries

    Round, thinly sliced potatoes, fried or baked until crispy, often seasoned.
    • Shape: Round, thin slices
  4. 4

    Tater Tots

    Grated potatoes formed into small cylinders and deep-fried, known for their crispy exterior.
    • Form: Small cylinders
  5. 5

    Potato Wedges

    Potatoes cut into thick wedges and baked or fried, known for their soft interior and crispy exterior.
    • Texture: Crispy outside, soft inside
  6. 7

    Sweet Potato Fries

    Fries made from sweet potatoes, offering a sweeter and slightly healthier alternative.
    • Healthier Option: Yes, due to high fiber and vitamin A
  7. 8

    Waffle Fries

    Potatoes cut in a lattice shape, resembling a waffle, and deep-fried.
    • Unique Feature: Lattice shape
  8. 9

    Steak Fries

    Thickly cut fries with a soft interior, often seasoned with garlic and herbs.
    • Size: Thick cut
  9. 10

    Crinkle Cut Fries

    Potatoes cut in a corrugated shape, which results in a crispy outside and soft inside.
    • Texture: Crispy outside, soft inside

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular fries. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Fry is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Fry once every 24 hours. The rank of each Fry is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Fries

Curly Fries
Rank #1 for the most popular fries: Curly Fries (Source)
Fries have a long history and are loved worldwide. They come in many shapes and sizes. People enjoy them as a snack or side dish. The origins of fries are debated. Some say they began in Belgium. Others claim France as their birthplace. Despite the debate, fries have spread globally.

Early fries were simple. They were just potatoes cut into strips and fried. Over time, people added their own twists. Different regions created unique versions. Some cut the potatoes thin. Others made them thick. The cooking methods also varied. Some fries were deep-fried. Others were baked or air-fried.

Fries often come with toppings or dips. Salt is the most common seasoning. Many people add other spices too. Some like them with cheese, chili, or gravy. Dips range from ketchup to mayonnaise. Other popular choices include barbecue sauce and aioli.

Fast food chains helped fries gain fame. They made them a staple on their menus. This made fries accessible to many people. Soon, they became a go-to snack for many. Restaurants also began to offer fries as a side. This increased their popularity even more.

Fries are now available in many places. You can find them at fast food joints, diners, and fine dining restaurants. They are also sold in frozen form at grocery stores. This allows people to enjoy them at home. Many people make their own fries too. They experiment with different cuts and seasonings.

Fries are not just a Western phenomenon. Many cultures have their own versions. In some places, they use sweet potatoes instead of regular ones. Others use different root vegetables. These variations add to the global appeal of fries.

Health concerns have arisen around fries. They are often high in calories and fat. This has led to a push for healthier options. Some people now bake their fries. Others use air fryers to reduce oil. There are also low-fat and low-sodium versions available. Despite this, traditional fries remain popular.

Fries have even made their way into pop culture. They appear in movies, TV shows, and advertisements. They are often shown as a fun and casual food. This has helped cement their status as a beloved snack.

In summary, fries have a rich history and wide appeal. They come in many forms and flavors. They are enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether at a fast food joint or a high-end restaurant, fries continue to be a favorite. They have evolved over time but remain a staple in many diets.

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