The Most Famous Mufti, Ranked

Choose the Mufti you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 8, 2024 07:50
Across various communities, Muftis hold a significant position, guiding followers with interpretations of religious law and providing wisdom on moral and ethical questions. Their influence shapes religious practice and community norms, making it important to recognize those who are most respected for their insights and guidance. By participating in the ranking of the most famous Muftis, users help highlight those who have made substantial contributions to theological discussion and community leadership. This dynamic ranking serves not only to inform but also to engage the community in a collective acknowledgment of eminent figures in religious discourse.

Who Is the Most Famous Mufti?

  1. 1

    Mufti Muhammad Shafi

    The former Grand Mufti of Pakistan, he was an influential Islamic scholar particularly known for his Quranic exegesis 'Ma'ariful Quran'.
    • Country: Pakistan
    • Born: 1897
    • Died: 1976
  2. 2

    Mufti Abdul Qavi

    A Pakistani Islamic scholar known for his appearances on Pakistani television and for his involvement in various controversies.
    • Country: Pakistan
    • Born: 1963
  3. 3

    Mufti Muhammad Saeed Khan

    A Pakistani Islamic scholar known for his deep knowledge of the Quran and Hadith, and for his lectures that focus on the spiritual development of Muslims.
    • Country: Pakistan
    • Born: Unknown
  4. 4

    Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

    A leading scholar of Islamic jurisprudence, finance, and hadith, known for his significant contributions to the development of Islamic banking and finance.
    • Country: Pakistan
    • Born: 1943
  5. 5

    Mufti Ismail Menk

    A prominent Islamic scholar known for his progressive views on Islam and his extensive use of social media to spread religious teachings.
    • Country: Zimbabwe
    • Born: 1975
  6. 6

    Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan

    An Indian Sunni Islamic scholar and jurist, who was the Grand Mufti of India. He was a descendant of Ahmed Raza Khan, the founder of the Barelvi movement.
    • Country: India
    • Born: 1943
    • Died: 2018
  7. 7

    Mufti Ebrahim Desai

    A South African Islamic scholar known for his expertise in Islamic finance and Halal certification. He was also the founder of the Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah.
    • Country: South Africa
    • Born: 1963
    • Died: 2021
  8. 8

    Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera

    A British Islamic scholar known for his contributions to Islamic education in the West and for being a prolific author and lecturer.
    • Country: United Kingdom
    • Born: 1974
  9. 9

    Mufti Taqi Amini

    An influential Islamic scholar from Bangladesh, known for his work in Islamic jurisprudence and his efforts to promote Islamic education.
    • Country: Bangladesh
    • Born: Unknown
  10. 10

    Mufti Amjad Mohammed

    A British Islamic scholar, author, and educator, known for his work on Islamic law, particularly in the context of British Muslims.
    • Country: United Kingdom
    • Born: Unknown

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous Mufti. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Mufti is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 39 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Mufti once every 24 hours. The rank of each Mufti is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Mufti

Mufti Muhammad Shafi
Rank #1 for the most famous Mufti: Mufti Muhammad Shafi (Source)
A mufti is a scholar of Islamic law who interprets and expounds on legal issues. Their role is significant within the Muslim community. They provide guidance on matters of religious practice and ethics. The mufti's opinions, known as fatwas, help clarify aspects of Islamic law for individuals and groups.

The position of a mufti has its roots in early Islamic history. As Islam spread, the need for legal experts grew. These scholars were expected to have deep knowledge of the Quran and Hadith. They also needed to understand various legal schools of thought within Islam. A mufti's education is rigorous. It includes years of study in religious texts, languages, and jurisprudence.

Muftis often serve in official capacities. They may work for government bodies, religious institutions, or educational centers. Their fatwas can address a wide range of issues. These can include personal matters like marriage and divorce. They also cover broader topics like finance, politics, and social justice. A mufti's opinion can influence public policy and individual behavior.

The process of issuing a fatwa is careful and systematic. A mufti must consider the context and specifics of each question. They consult primary sources of Islamic law and precedents set by earlier scholars. The goal is to provide a well-reasoned and relevant answer. This process ensures that fatwas are respected and followed by the community.

Muftis play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of Islamic law. They help adapt ancient principles to modern life. This task requires both scholarship and wisdom. A mufti must balance tradition with contemporary needs. Their work helps keep Islamic law dynamic and applicable.

The influence of a mufti can be far-reaching. Their fatwas can impact not only local communities but also the global Muslim population. In the age of the internet, a mufti's opinion can spread quickly. This accessibility helps Muslims around the world seek guidance.

The role of a mufti is both challenging and rewarding. It demands a lifelong commitment to learning and teaching. A mufti must be patient, knowledgeable, and fair. Their work supports the spiritual and legal framework of the Muslim community.

Muftis are respected figures within Islam. They bridge the gap between religious doctrine and everyday life. Their expertise helps Muslims navigate complex issues. By providing clear and informed guidance, muftis ensure that Islamic principles remain relevant and respected.

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