The Most Beautiful View in the Philippines, Ranked

Choose the view you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 9, 2024 06:25
With the Philippines' abundance of natural beauty, making a choice on which view stands above the rest can be quite a challenge. From serene beaches to majestic mountains, the views are as diverse as they are breathtaking. Creating a ranked list of the most beautiful views allows both locals and visitors to share their experiences and personal favorites. Such a list not only highlights popular destinations but also uncovers lesser-known spots that are equally captivating. By casting your vote, you're contributing to a collective effort to showcase the beauty of the Philippines through numerous, unique perspectives. This encourages a deeper appreciation and a more rounded understanding of the country's scenic landscapes.

What Is the Most Beautiful View in the Philippines?

  1. 1

    Siargao Island

    Known as the surfing capital of the Philippines, Siargao boasts pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and large waves.
    • Known For: Surfing capital of the Philippines
    • Attractions: Cloud 9 surfing spot, lagoons, and white sand beaches
  2. 2

    Chocolate Hills, Bohol

    An unusual geological formation consisting of at least 1,260 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometers.
    • Unique Feature: Grass-covered hills turn brown in the dry season
    • Number of Hills: At least 1,260
  3. 3

    Banaue Rice Terraces, Ifugao

    Often referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the World," these 2,000-year-old terraces are carved into the mountains.
    • Age: 2,000 years old
    • Cultural Importance: Created by the ancestors of the indigenous people
  4. 4


    Known for its breathtaking landscapes, rolling hills, and a culture that's distinct from the rest of the Philippines.
    • Cultural Aspect: Unique Ivatan culture and stone houses
    • Landscape: Rolling hills and rugged coastlines
  5. 5

    Mayon Volcano, Albay

    Famous for its near-perfect cone shape, Mayon is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines.
    • Shape: Near-perfect cone
    • Activity: One of the most active in the Philippines
  6. 6

    El Nido, Palawan

    Famous for its breathtaking limestone cliffs, pristine beaches, and clear blue waters.
    • Known For: Limestone cliffs and turquoise waters
    • Activities: Island hopping, snorkeling, diving
  7. 7

    Kayangan Lake, Coron

    Often dubbed as the cleanest lake in the Philippines, it is known for its crystal-clear waters surrounded by rocky mountains.
    • Water Clarity: Crystal-clear
    • Location: Coron, Palawan
  8. 8

    Mount Pulag, Benguet

    The third highest mountain in the Philippines, Mount Pulag is famous for its sea of clouds and diverse flora and fauna.
    • Elevation: 2,926 meters
    • Unique Feature: Sea of clouds
  9. 9

    Hinatuan Enchanted River, Surigao del Sur

    A deep spring river with clear blue waters, surrounded by lush forests and known for its unexplored depths.
    • Color: Clear blue
    • Mystery: Unexplored depths
  10. 10

    Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park

    A UNESCO World Heritage site, this marine park is a sanctuary for diverse marine life and is a popular diving spot.
    • UNESCO Status: World Heritage site
    • Biodiversity: Home to a diverse range of marine life

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful view in the Philippines. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or view is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 9 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each view once every 24 hours. The rank of each view is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful View in the Philippines

Siargao Island
Rank #1 for the most beautiful view in the Philippines: Siargao Island (Source)
The Philippines is a country known for its stunning landscapes. It has a rich tapestry of natural beauty. From mountains to beaches, the scenery captivates anyone who visits. Each place offers a unique view, making it hard to pick a single most beautiful spot.

The islands in the Philippines are numerous. Each one has its own charm. Some are known for their white sandy beaches. Others boast lush forests and clear blue waters. The contrast between land and sea creates breathtaking views. The sunsets are often spectacular, painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple.

The mountains provide a different kind of beauty. They are covered in dense vegetation and offer panoramic views. Hiking trails lead to vantage points where you can see the landscape stretch out below. The air is fresh and the surroundings peaceful. The mountains are a haven for those seeking tranquility.

The rice terraces are another marvel. They are carved into the mountainsides and have been there for centuries. These terraces are a testament to human ingenuity. They blend seamlessly with the natural environment. The sight of these terraces, especially at sunrise or sunset, is awe-inspiring.

Waterfalls add to the scenic beauty. They are often hidden in the forests, requiring a trek to reach them. The journey is worth it. The sight and sound of water cascading down rocks is mesmerizing. Some waterfalls form natural pools where you can take a refreshing dip.

The coral reefs are a hidden gem beneath the waters. They teem with marine life. Snorkeling or diving reveals a vibrant underwater world. The colors and diversity of the coral and fish are stunning. It’s like entering another realm.

The coastal cliffs offer dramatic views. They rise sharply from the sea, providing a striking contrast. Waves crash against the rocks below, creating a sense of power and majesty. These cliffs are often less visited, making them a perfect spot for solitude.

The Philippines also has many lakes. Some are nestled in volcanic craters, adding to their allure. The still waters reflect the sky and surrounding landscape. It’s a serene sight, perfect for relaxation.

The islands are also home to unique rock formations. These natural sculptures are fascinating to look at. They have been shaped by wind and water over millennia. Each formation tells a story of the earth’s history.

The beauty of the Philippines is not just in its landscapes. The culture and people add to the charm. Traditional villages, with their thatched-roof houses, are picturesque. The locals are warm and welcoming. Their smiles and hospitality make any view even more beautiful.

In the end, the most beautiful view in the Philippines is subjective. It depends on what you seek. Whether it’s the tranquility of the mountains, the allure of the beaches, or the mystery of the underwater world, you will find it here. The Philippines is a place where nature’s beauty is on full display.

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